Can We Select Specific Scenarios to Run in Cucumber Tests?
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Can We Select Specific Scenarios to Run in Cucumber Tests?

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Are you tired of running entire test suites just to verify a single scenario? Do you wish you could selectively run specific scenarios in Cucumber to speed up your testing process? Well, you’re in luck because the answer is a resounding “Yes!”

The Power of Cucumber Tagging

Cucumber provides a powerful feature called tagging, which allows you to label and categorize your scenarios. By using tags, you can selectively run specific scenarios or groups of scenarios, making your testing process more efficient and targeted.

How to Use Tags in Cucumber

To use tags in Cucumber, you need to add a `@` symbol followed by the tag name to the scenario or feature you want to label. For example:

Feature: Login Functionality
  As a user
  I want to be able to log in to the application
  So that I can access my account information

  Scenario: Successful Login
    Given I am on the login page
    When I enter valid credentials
    Then I should be logged in successfully

In this example, the feature and scenario are both tagged with `@smoke`. This allows you to run only the scenarios tagged with `@smoke` using the command-line option `-t @smoke`.

Selecting Scenarios to Run using Cucumber Options

Cucumber provides several command-line options that allow you to select which scenarios to run. Here are some of the most common options:

  • `-t @tag`: Runs scenarios with the specified tag.
  • `-t ~@tag`: Runs scenarios without the specified tag.
  • `-n @tag`: Runs scenarios with the specified tag, and also runs scenarios that don’t have any tags.
  • `–tags @tag,@another-tag`: Runs scenarios with either of the specified tags.

For example, to run only the scenarios tagged with `@smoke`, you can use the following command:

cucumber -t @smoke

To run scenarios tagged with either `@smoke` or `@regression`, you can use the following command:

cucumber --tags @smoke,@regression

Using Cucumber Profiles

Cucumber profiles allow you to define a set of scenarios to run based on a specific configuration. You can use profiles to run different sets of scenarios for different environments, such as development, staging, or production.

To define a profile, create a file called `cucumber.yml` in the root of your project with the following content:

  -t @smoke

  -t @regression

  -t @smoke,@regression

In this example, the `default` profile runs scenarios tagged with `@smoke`, the `staging` profile runs scenarios tagged with `@regression`, and the `production` profile runs scenarios tagged with either `@smoke` or `@regression`.

To run a specific profile, use the `–profile` command-line option:

cucumber --profile staging

Using Environment Variables

You can also use environment variables to select which scenarios to run. For example, you can set an environment variable called `RUN_FEATURES` to a specific tag:

export RUN_FEATURES=@smoke

This will run only the scenarios tagged with `@smoke`.


As you’ve seen, Cucumber provides several ways to select specific scenarios to run, making it easy to target specific tests and speed up your testing process. By using tags, command-line options, profiles, and environment variables, you can flexibly control which scenarios are executed, and make your testing more efficient and effective.

Common Use Cases

Here are some common use cases for selecting specific scenarios to run:

  1. Smoke Testing: Run a subset of critical scenarios to ensure the application is functioning correctly.
  2. Regression Testing: Run a set of scenarios that cover specific functionality or features.
  3. Development Testing: Run scenarios specific to a particular feature or component being developed.
  4. CI/CD Pipelines: Run specific scenarios as part of continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when selecting specific scenarios to run:

  • Use meaningful and descriptive tag names that reflect the purpose or functionality of the scenario.
  • Use a consistent tagging convention across your project to avoid confusion.
  • Use profiles to define sets of scenarios that can be run together.
  • Use environment variables to make it easy to switch between different sets of scenarios.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about selecting specific scenarios to run in Cucumber:

How do I run a single scenario? Use the `-n` command-line option followed by the scenario name, e.g. `cucumber -n “Login as Admin”`.
Can I use multiple tags? Yes, use the `–tags` command-line option followed by multiple tags separated by commas, e.g. `cucumber –tags @smoke,@regression`.
How do I exclude scenarios? Use the `-t ~@tag` command-line option to exclude scenarios with the specified tag, e.g. `cucumber -t ~@wip`.
Can I use profiles with environment variables? Yes, you can set environment variables to override the default profile or tags, e.g. `export RUN_FEATURES=@smoke; cucumber –profile staging`.

By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you can take full advantage of Cucumber’s capabilities and make your testing process more efficient, targeted, and effective.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on selecting specific scenarios to run in Cucumber tests!

Can I choose which scenarios to run in Cucumber tests?

Yes, you can! Cucumber allows you to select specific scenarios to run using tags, names, or lines. You can use the `@` symbol followed by the tag name, or use the `–name` option to run scenarios by name. You can also use the `–lines` option to run scenarios by line number.

How do I use tags to select scenarios in Cucumber?

To use tags, simply add the `@` symbol followed by the tag name above the scenario or feature you want to tag. For example, `@smoke` or `@Regression`. Then, when running your tests, use the `–tags` option followed by the tag name, like this: `cucumber –tags @smoke`. This will only run scenarios with the specified tag.

Can I exclude certain scenarios from running in Cucumber?

Yes, you can! Cucumber allows you to exclude scenarios using the `~` symbol followed by the tag name. For example, `cucumber –tags ~@smoke` will exclude all scenarios with the `@smoke` tag. You can also use the `–name` option to exclude scenarios by name.

How do I run a single scenario in Cucumber?

To run a single scenario, use the `–name` option followed by the scenario name. For example, `cucumber –name “Scenario: Login successfully”` will only run the scenario with the specified name.

Can I use regular expressions to select scenarios in Cucumber?

Yes, you can! Cucumber allows you to use regular expressions to select scenarios using the `–name` option. For example, `cucumber –name ~/Login/` will run all scenarios with names containing the word “Login”.