Why Code from Metamask Documentation Doesn’t Work: Decoding the SyntaxError
Image by Aktaion - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Code from Metamask Documentation Doesn’t Work: Decoding the SyntaxError

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Are you frustrated with the code from Metamask documentation not working as expected? You’re not alone! Many developers have encountered the infuriating “SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified contentscript.js:1 DOMException” error. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the reasons behind this error and provide a step-by-step guide to resolving it.

The Problem: SyntaxError and DOMException

The error message may seem cryptic, but it’s actually quite specific. When you see “SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified contentscript.js:1 DOMException”, it means that there’s an issue with the string formatting in your code. Specifically, the `contentscript.js` file is causing the trouble.

What is contentscript.js?

`contentscript.js` is a crucial file in the Metamask documentation that allows you to interact with web pages. It’s responsible for injecting scripts into web pages, enabling features like DOM manipulation and event listening. However, when the code in `contentscript.js` is malformed, it throws the above error.

The Causes: Common Mistakes and Oversights

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore the common mistakes and oversights that lead to this error:

  • Incorrect string formatting: Metamask documentation uses specific formatting for strings, and deviating from this format can cause the error.
  • Missing or mismatched quotes: Quotes (double or single) are essential for string formatting. Missing or mismatched quotes can disrupt the code and lead to the error.
  • Wrong script injection method: Metamask has specific methods for injecting scripts into web pages. Using the wrong method can cause the error.
  • Outdated or incompatible versions: Using outdated or incompatible versions of Metamask, JavaScript libraries, or browsers can lead to the error.

The Solutions: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve identified the causes, let’s move on to the solutions. Follow these steps to resolve the “SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified contentscript.js:1 DOMException” error:

Step 1: Review and Correct String Formatting

Double-check your code for incorrect string formatting. Make sure to use the correct quotes (double or single) and formatting for strings. For example:

const script = `
  console.log('Hello, Metamask!');

Instead of:

const script = "
  console.log('Hello, Metamask!');

Step 2: Verify Quote Usage

Check your code for missing or mismatched quotes.Ensure that quotes are balanced and correctly used. For example:

const script = 'console.log("Hello, Metamask!");';

Instead of:

const script = "console.log('Hello, Metamask!");';

Step 3: Use the Correct Script Injection Method

Metamask provides two methods for injecting scripts into web pages:

  • Messaging: Use `chrome.runtime.sendMessage` to inject scripts.
  • Content Script Injection: Use `chrome.tabs.executeScript` to inject scripts.

Choose the correct method based on your use case. For example, to inject a script using messaging:

chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ action: 'injectScript', script: 'console.log("Hello, Metamask!");' });

Step 4: Verify Version Compatibility

Ensure that you’re using compatible versions of Metamask, JavaScript libraries, and browsers. Check the Metamask documentation for the recommended versions.

Metamask Version JavaScript Library Browser
9.x.x Chrome 92+ Chrome, Firefox, Brave

Step 5: Test and Debug

Once you’ve corrected the errors, test your code by injecting the script into a web page. Use the browser’s developer tools to debug any issues that arise.


The “SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified contentscript.js:1 DOMException” error can be frustrating, but it’s easily resolvable by following the steps outlined above. By reviewing and correcting string formatting, verifying quote usage, using the correct script injection method, ensuring version compatibility, and testing/debugging your code, you’ll be able to overcome this error and successfully interact with web pages using Metamask.

Additional Resources

For further guidance, refer to the official Metamask documentation and the following resources:

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the “SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified contentscript.js:1 DOMException” error and unlocking the full potential of Metamask.

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the infamous “SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified” error while trying to code from Metamask documentation? Worry not, friend! We’ve got you covered.

Q1: What’s the deal with the SyntaxError? Is it a Metamask bug?

Nah, it’s not a Metamask bug! The error is usually due to incorrect encoding or escaping of special characters in the code. Double-check that you’ve copied the code correctly, and try re-encoding or re-escaping those pesky characters.

Q2: I’ve checked the encoding, and it’s all good. What’s the next step?

Excellent! Next, make sure you’re using the correct version of Metamask. Sometimes, the documentation might be outdated, or you might be using an older version. Try updating Metamask or checking the documentation for the version you’re using.

Q3: I’m using the latest version, and I’m still stuck. What about the contentscript.js file?

Ah-ha! The contentscript.js file might be the culprit! Try deleting the file or updating it to the latest version. Sometimes, a fresh start can work wonders. If you’re still stuck, try checking the file’s encoding or re-downloading it from the Metamask repo.

Q4: I’ve tried all the above, and I’m still getting the error. What about my browser?

Your browser might be the issue! Try checking your browser’s console for any errors or warnings. Sometimes, browser extensions or add-ons can interfere with Metamask. Try disabling them or using a different browser to isolate the issue.

Q5: I’ve tried everything, and I’m still stuck. What’s my next move?

Don’t give up hope, friend! If you’ve tried all the above and you’re still stuck, it’s time to reach out to the Metamask community or their support team. They’re super helpful and might be able to provide more specific guidance or troubleshooting steps. You got this!