Tablehead Repeats in Next Slide: The Supertabular Conundrum in LaTeX Beamer
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Tablehead Repeats in Next Slide: The Supertabular Conundrum in LaTeX Beamer

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Have you ever encountered an issue where the table head repeats in the next slide even when you’ve used the trusty \tablelasthead{} command in LaTeX Beamer? You’re not alone! This pesky problem has been driving many presenters crazy, and we’re here to help you overcome it once and for all.

What’s Causing the Issue?

The root of the problem lies in the way Supertabular handles table heads and tails. By design, Supertabular is meant to break tables across multiple pages or slides, but this can sometimes lead to unexpected results.

In a typical Beamer presentation, when you use the supertabular environment to create a table that spans multiple slides, the table head is repeated at the top of each slide by default. This is useful for providing context to the table, but it can become annoying when you want to customize the table’s appearance.

The Problem with \tablelasthead{}

You might think that using \tablelasthead{} would solve the issue, but surprisingly, it doesn’t always work as expected. This command is meant to specify the table head for the last page or slide, effectively overriding the default behavior. However, in some cases, the table head can still repeat in the next slide, leaving you frustrated and confused.

Why \tablelasthead{} Fails

The reason \tablelasthead{} doesn’t always work is because of the way Supertabular handles table breaks. When a table breaks across multiple slides, Supertabular stores the table head in a special register, which is then used to repeat the head at the top of each slide. Unfortunately, this register is not affected by the \tablelasthead{} command, leading to the unexpected repetition of the table head.

Solutions to the TableheadRepeat Conundrum

So, what can you do to avoid the table head repeating in the next slide? Fear not, dear presenter, for we have some solutions for you:

  • Use the tabular environment instead: If your table doesn’t need to break across multiple slides, consider using the good ol’ tabular environment. This will ensure that the table head is only displayed once, at the top of the table.

  • Specify the table head and tail manually: Instead of relying on Supertabular’s automatic table head and tail generation, you can define them manually using the \tablehead{}, \tabletail{}, and \tablelasthead{} commands. This gives you full control over the table’s appearance and behavior.

  • Use the supertabularx package: The supertabularx package extends the functionality of Supertabular and provides more control over table breaks and formatting. By using supertabularx, you can avoid the table head repetition issue altogether.

  • Manually break the table: If you’re comfortable with manual formatting, you can break the table into smaller chunks and place each chunk on a separate slide. This approach requires more effort, but it gives you complete control over the table’s layout and appearance.

Implementing the Solutions

Now that we’ve discussed the solutions, let’s dive deeper into the implementation details:

Using the tabular Environment

    Column 1 & Column 2 \\
    Cell 1 & Cell 2 \\
    Cell 3 & Cell 4 \\

In this example, we’re using the tabular environment to create a simple table. Since the table fits within a single slide, the table head is only displayed once.

Specifying the Table Head and Tail Manually

    \tablehead{\hline Column 1 & Column 2 \\ \hline}
    \tablelasthead{\hline Column 1 & Column 2 \\ \hline}
    Cell 1 & Cell 2 \\
    Cell 3 & Cell 4 \\
    % ...

In this example, we’re manually specifying the table head, tail, and last head using the \tablehead{}, \tabletail{}, and \tablelasthead{} commands. This gives us complete control over the table’s appearance and behavior.

Using the supertabularx Package


    \tablehead{Column 1 & Column 2 \\ \hline}
    Cell 1 & Cell 2 \\
    Cell 3 & Cell 4 \\
    % ...

In this example, we’re using the supertabularx package to create a table that spans multiple slides. The supertabularx package takes care of handling table breaks and formatting, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

Manually Breaking the Table

    Column 1 & Column 2 \\
    Cell 1 & Cell 2 \\

    Column 1 & Column 2 \\
    Cell 3 & Cell 4 \\

In this example, we’re manually breaking the table into smaller chunks and placing each chunk on a separate slide. This approach requires more effort, but it gives us complete control over the table’s layout and appearance.


In conclusion, the table head repetition issue in Supertabular can be frustrating, but it’s not insurmountable. By using one of the solutions outlined above, you can effectively avoid the repetition and create beautifully formatted tables in your LaTeX Beamer presentations. Remember to choose the solution that best fits your needs, and don’t be afraid to experiment and customize your tables to perfection!

Happy presenting, and may your tables always be beautiful and well-behaved!

Keyword Description
Supertabular A LaTeX package for creating tables that span multiple pages or slides.
\tablelasthead{} A command used to specify the table head for the last page or slide.
tabular A LaTeX environment for creating tables that do not break across multiple pages or slides.
supertabularx A LaTeX package that extends the functionality of Supertabular, providing more control over table breaks and formatting.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on solving the pesky tablehead repeat issue in LaTeX Beamer using supertabular!

Why does my table head repeat in the next slide even when I use \tablelasttail{}?

The \tablelasttail{} command only works when the table is being typeset on the last page of the document. When you’re using Beamer, each slide is essentially a new page, so the table head is being repeated. You’ll need to use a different approach, like defining a new table head for each slide.

How do I define a new table head for each slide in LaTeX Beamer?

You can use the \only command provided by Beamer to define a table head that will only appear on a specific slide. For example, you can use \only{slide number}{table head content} to specify the content of the table head for that particular slide.

Can I use supertabular with the longtable package to avoid table head repetition?

Yes, you can use supertabular with the longtable package to create a table that spans multiple pages or slides, and avoid the repetition of the table head. Just make sure to use the \endhead command to specify the content of the table head, and it will only be printed at the top of each page or slide.

What’s the best way to handle table breaks in LaTeX Beamer when using supertabular?

When using supertabular with Beamer, it’s essential to use the \begin{frame}[allowframebreaks] environment to allow the table to break across multiple slides. You can then use the \tablebreak command to specify where the table should break.

Are there any other LaTeX packages that can help me create complex tables in Beamer?

Yes, there are several other LaTeX packages that can help you create complex tables in Beamer, such as tabu, tabularx, and xtab. Each package has its own strengths and weaknesses, so be sure to explore the documentation to find the one that best suits your needs.

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